Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm painting portraits of my parents for Christmas. And "ssshhhhhhhhhhhh" if you talk to them becaues it's a surprise! So today I finally drew them and figured out the angles and got the linework done. Next step is transferring them to the canvases and then paint! I'm planning on doing them in oil, I've only done one other oil painting and it turned out lovely if I do say so myself, so I have high hopes for these too!

They are going to be on two separate canvases, so you can hang them side by side so my dad and mom are looking at each other. (hahah obviously!) The canvases are 9x12, so not too big, but I have to get working on them to get them done for Christmas! Erin gave me a duedate for when she wants to see the line work on the canvas, and that date is next Sunday, so I think I'm doing well! Here, take a look:

So tell me what you think! I'll keep updating with the different stages as I paint. I hope to start this week. Cross your fingers for me!


guaritore said...

Wow, your parents are quite the lookers... lol... which explains a TONNE about you. ;) I hate to be a super demanding fan, but are you going to post some more drawings soon?

Anonymous said...

they look awesome!! I can't wait to see the finished product!

shannon o

John McKinnon said...

Wow. Those are so awesome.

They're going to look incredible when they're done.

Kyle Marshall said...

wow, my supervisor can draw, nice work chief! I look forward to seeing the progress, as these are already vvery solid.

craig said...

very cool Nicole! Can't wait to see em finished

Anonymous said...

Yah super super cool!!! I can't wait to hear what they thought!

Nicole Pullen said...

Thanks guys! I love hearing your thoughts and LOVE the support! I really want to get them onto canvas so I can start painting, perhaps tonight. I will for sure keep you posted :)

Chris Wieme said...

Very nice stuff! Your life drawing is solid as well. Good work.

Anonymous said...

wow nicole... you are really imroving!!! looking sharp kiddo!

AlanS said...

Hey Nice DRAWing!

Are you going to post the final product???

Nicole Pullen said...

yes i will definitely be putting up the final product, i just have to finish them first! hahah this weekend i plan on getting them just about done :)